Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Setting Your Sights

"Set your sights on a place higher than your eyes can see" -Rumi

It's the end of my junior year of high school and my head is exploding with huge ideas. I'm at a point in my life where I have a million amazing things I want to do and a burning desire to do all of them. So what's holding me back?


In my head, I doubt that I'll have time to physically do it all. College applications and auditions, fitness goals, starting my own business, a new job, and travel aspirations are just a few of the things on my mind. I'm about to be using three planners at a time- no joke.

This lack of clarity around the idea of how I will meet my goals has begun to create a fog of self-doubt inside of me and has led me to consider giving up some of my dreams because I seem to have too many.

Ever since I was a little girl, I've wanted to grow up and be like Barbie-- having a million different jobs that she loves equally and succeeds at, all the while having time for friends and fun and fabulous pink fashion. As I get older, this gets more and more desirable and less and less feasible.

But I have come to a realization: what is meant to be will be. My job is to do everything I can to follow my dreams, because Philippians 1:6 says it plain and simple:

Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

Step one is to dream big, set your sights, and get to work--trusting that everything will work out for the better.

So if you're struggling with self-doubt and worry about something you need to do (or a bunch of different things, like me) here are my final words to you:


Set your sights high & see what happens.



  1. well said! I'm like you and I have so many ideas and dreams that are constrainted by my time, so thanks for saying what needed to be said. I feel like God's showing me more and more ways to handle my time. Like my youth pastor at bent tree said in his sermon this week "God is good. and God is sovereign over our time." and like Revelations 22:13 says: He is the Alpha and Omega. He's the beginning and the end.

    1. love this!!! :)) so glad you can relate, even though it's kind of tricky to have so many dreams it's such a good problem to have and it makes for such a good life!


© Julia Marie
Maira Gall